Friday 17 July 2009

Who we are

Who we are:

Those who live the distributed life come from all walks of life. Some are 3rd culture kids (3CK's :
( Others are expats who exist in this situation because of work. Many are freelancers and chasing their dreams. Creatives, entreprenuers, academics. The distributed life is for those who can do their work anywhere and so aren't shackled to anything but their possibilities and their technology.

If you feel you're living the distributed life I invite to contribute to this blog. I want to chronicle this existence and provide a guide to those who would follow in this lifestyle.

Monday 13 July 2009


In the age of globalisation we exist in a network of information and situations. The world has shrunk! What happens in japan is known in brazil almost instantaneously. With this comes those who float and exist across these networks. Whose lives criss cross the globe and exist piecemeal across continents. They have friends in every city, multiple phone numbers, addresses, and languages.

If string theory posits a multi-dimensional universe then those who live a distributed life are the harbingers of cross-dimensionality by living across timezones. And these are not your uber rich jetsetter these are people who live in the day to day normal lives..just in multiple countries, situations and realities.

The distributed life looks to examine, document, and blog about the Distributed Life.

All contributors are welcome.